"On the age of computers" by Jiddu Krishnamurti (1985)

The computer is something extraordinary.

It's going to probably take over our lives.

That's probably the new industry.

The computer will shape our lives.

It's already doing it quietly ... slowly. We're unaware of it.

We've talked to a great many of these experts, computer experts, for building it. They are not concerned with what happens to the human brain. You understand? They are concerned with creating it. Ah! Not creating it, building it. That's better word.

When the computer takes over ... our lives ... what happens to our brains?

They are better, far quicker, so rapid.

In a second they'll tell you a thousand memories.

So when they take off, what's going to happen to our brains? Gradually wither?

Or, be thoroughly employed in amusement ... in entertainment?

Please face all this, for God's sake, this is happening.