
Neil Pasricha thinks, writes, and speaks about intentional living.

All his current work focuses under themes of gratitude, happiness, failure, resilience, connection, and trust.

Neil is the the author of ten books and journals including: The Book of Awesome, a spinning rolodex of simple pleasures based on his 100-million-hit, award-winning blog 1000 Awesome Things, The Happiness Equation, originally written as a 300-page love letter to his unborn son on how to live a happy life, Awesome Is Everywhere, an interactive introduction to guided meditation for children, Two-Minute Mornings, his simple habit-based morning practice, and You Are Awesome, a nine-step guide to building resilience told through stories and research. Neil’s books are New York Times and #1 international bestsellers, have spent over 200 weeks on bestseller lists, and have sold over 2,000,000 copies across dozens of languages.

Neil also gives over 50 speeches a year at places like Harvard, The Cleveland Clinic, and Shopify. His first TED talk “The 3 A’s of Awesome” is ranked one of the 10 Most Inspiring of all time and his second is called “How do you maximize your tiny, short life?”, an artistic side-project called the world’s first TED Listen, composed entirely of questions. Neil gave the most attended feature keynote at SXSW 2019 called “Building trust in distrustful times”.

Neil hosts an Apple “Best of” award-winning podcast called 3 Books where he is on an ‘epic 22-year-long quest to uncover the 1000 most formative books in the world.’ Each of the 333 chapters discusses the 3 most formative books of an inspiring person like Brené Brown, David Sedaris, Malcolm Gladwell, Roxane Gay, Cheryl Strayed, Vishwas the Uber Driver, George Saunders, or Quentin Tarantino. 3 Books is recorded live and in-person (pre- and post-pandemic) and is 100% non-profit with no ads, sponsors, commercials, or interruptions. 3 Books is published on the lunar calendar with each chapter dropping on the exact minute of every single full moon up to April 26, 2040 at 10:37 PM EST.

Neil shares his current writing on this blog and in a series of newsletters read by over 100,000 people.

Neil’s pro bono work focuses on youth literacy and mental health.

Neil has degrees from Queen’s University and Harvard Business School.

Neil lives in Toronto with his family.

Updated: January, 2024